Succulents by Delta Cactus
Greenex is proud to represent Delta Cactus.
Delta Cactus is known and respected for their impressive Assortment of Gasteria & Haworthia with focus on:
- Optimized production
- Customer loyalty
- High technology
- Always investing in knowledge
- Breeding program
- Protected varieties
- Nature and the environment
- Human team
- Sustainability
- MPS-ABC Certificate
At Greenex we work to bring reliable supply of unrooted cuttings to growers around the world. We ensure you can get a good consistent quality.
Available for shipment to your location as unrooted cuttings.
For more information, feel free to download the full Product Assortment below or get in touch with one of our Sales Representatives.

Showing 16 products

Gasterhaworthia Royal Highness

Gasteria beguinii

Gasteria D Blue Moon®

Gasteria D Clash®

Gasteria D Due®

Gasteria D Grey Moon® *NEW 2025*

Gasteria D Overflow® *NEW 2025*

Gasteria Little Warty

Gasteria Lizard King®

Gasteria verrucosa

Haworthia fasciata Concolor

Haworthia herbacea

Haworthia limifolia

Haworthia limifolia Roux

Haworthia limifolia Twist

Haworthia Universe