Lavandula stoechase Bella Toscane®
Greenex proudly represents Concept Plants and the Lavandula stoechas Bella Toscane®
Hilde & Matthijs Barendse-Arends have had a passion of growing Lavandula stoechas for their entire lifes. Hilde started breeding Lavandula stoechase as a hobby to improve its growth traits and performance. She bred for a nice stoechaes which can be grown under Dutch climate conditions, without any growth regulators and less sensitive to botrytis. In 2005 she started with the breeding. In 2011 they selected Bella Toscane®. In 2020 a trial has been done with selected customers, and in 2021 full commercial.
What makes Bella Toscane® so special?
- Compact growth habit, 7 to 8 layers on a CC Cont./Trolley.
- Well branching, 20+ Flowers on a 12cm pot (5”).
- Cold greenhouse crop, sales window from Week 13.
- Flower longevity/shelf life, No brownish of flowers.
- Less sensitive to botrytis
- Suitable Pot Sizes 6-17cm/2-7”
- Good for your footprint since it is a sustainable product, less spraying and more layers on a CC Cont./Trolley
Available to ship to your location as Unrooted & Callus cuttings.
For more information, feel free to download the catalogue below or get in touch with one of our sales representatives.

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