Campanula Ocean® by Thoruplund
Greenex proudly represents the leading Campanula breeder Thor® by Thoruplund AS, Denmark.
Campanula is a perennial which originates from south European mountains. It has, through intense development work, been cultivated into a pot plant.
Campanula Pacific Ocean®, Midnight Blue Ocean® and Ocean® Blue & White double flowered represent a huge step forward for Thoruplund Breeding.
The new varieties are very compact with very good budding, a long shelf life and are winter hardy.
Available to ship to your location as unrooted cuttings.
For more information, feel free to download the full Product Assortment below or get in touch with one of our Sales Representatives.

Showing 6 products

Deep Blue Ocean®

Midnight Double Ocean® Blue

Midnight Double Ocean® White

Midnight Ocean®

Pacific Blue Ocean®

White Ocean®